
Leadership Lessons from Ukraine’s War

In a recent article in the on-line publication, Knowledge at Wharton, the author suggests that businesses can learn leadership lessons from the four-year Ukrainian War with Russia.  Ukraine was left with the remnants of the Russian Army, and finding itself in a conflict with a formidable foe, had to transform its army with new leadership styles and models.

This model encompasses not just the leadership competencies of skills in strategy, managing people, and running an organization, among others.  This model  also ...

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Achieving Balance, Peace and Happiness


In a university commencement address many years ago, Brian Dyson, CE of Coca Cola Enterprises, spoke of the relation of work to one’s other commitments:

“Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them – work, family, health, friends and spirit and you’re keeping all of these in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the ...

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For Renewed Focus, Make Your Bed and Clean Out Your Office

For Renewed Focus, Make Your Bed and Clean Out Your Office

Last weekend I was browsing the Sunday paper when I saw a listing for the book, “Make Your Bed” by Navy Seal trained Admiral William H. McRaven.  It peaked my attention.  I have always believed that making your bed in the morning was an important ritual.  Both my parents  served in WWII.  My Dad served in the Army Air Corps and my Mom was a WAC.  Mom taught me to make my bed the “Army Way” with hospital corners.  Even  ...

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360° Feedback: Benefits and Considerations

360° Feedback:  Benefits and Considerations

360° Feedback can be a very effective tool for executive development. But the degree of effectiveness is influenced by whether the executive is open to feedback, the feedback measures pertinent competencies, and that the participants are honest in their evaluation of the executive.

It is called 360˚ feedback because it includes feedback from those who interact with the executive at all levels in the organization- peers, direct reports and managers. It is most helpful when used by the executive to ...

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The Benefits of Focusing on Others

The Benefits of Focusing on Others

We know that interpersonal relationships and communication are critical to career success.  But what I frequently see with executives is a focus on what they want  for themselves and how they think things should be, rather than what their boss wants/needs from them or what is important  to a potential employer.

Example #1

An executive who was passed over for a promotion. He focused on being more casual with  posture and emails because he thought everyone should be treated the same, ...

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Setting Goals in 2016

Setting Goals in 2016

My Brook and I

I remember the brook
streaming through the woods;
spending hours around it,
building forts, wiping the mud off me with skunk cabbage.

I remember the brook on sunny days;
Water babbling over stones and rocks, pieces of wood;
making the water ripple the way it did.

I wondered what happened to the brook
traveling away from my yard.
I had a goal for my brook
to flow to the ocean…but then what?

I see goals for myself
thwarted, rearranged, fulfilled.
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EQ and The Importance of Soft Skills

EQ and The Importance of Soft Skills

While  driving back to the office from an appointment this morning, I listened to an interview with Georgia’s  Commissioner of Labor, Mark Butler.  He mentioned some exciting news.  Job growth in Georgia is at 4%!

But he also remarked that some companies are having a difficult time filling these job openings.  When he asks employers why this is so, the answers he gets consistently are that employers would rather hire someone with soft skills -someone who takes the  initiative, shows up ...

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The Role of Empathy in Executive Success

The Role of Empathy in Executive Success

As an executive coach, I often work with leaders who are highly skilled and successful, but need help  developing better  interpersonal relationships in the workplace.  Often they receive feedback about their lack of perceived concern for the people who work for and along side of them. They may lack empathy. And this prompts them or their organization to contact me.  These executives are driven and are highly successful.  They have risen to positions of influence in their ...

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My Adventures in Kayaking and Life Planning

My Adventures in Kayaking and Life Planning

About 13 years ago I was introduced to whitewater kayaking. I had rafted down whitewater, but this was different, since with a kayak you are on your own.  Kayaks are also much less sturdy than rafts.  I realized that I did not have time to devote to learning  the kayak roll, (the task when your kayak tips over with you pinned inside, and you need to get the kayak right-sided so you don’t drown), so I opted for just renting ...

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Meditation: How to Achieve “Happiness Peace”

Meditation:  How to Achieve “Happiness Peace”

This morning I attended a group  meditation at a Buddhist Center here in Atlanta, where I am based.  Meditation does not solve your problems, but calms your mind, the monk explained. It is not a religion, but a way to experience “Happiness Peace.” “Sounds good to me,”  I say to myself. “Bring it on.”  Meditation can relieve “Monkey Mind”,  when our minds are so distracted, and jump around hither and there. The reason I attended today is that my mind has ...

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